The Baker's Fix

What can we help you with?
Choose the baked item you'd like to perfect.
What’s the issue?
(Choose one or more issues to find your fix.)
- Over fermented sponges
- Dough temperature too cold
- Insufficient yeast
- Too much salt
- Over or under mixing
- Dough conditioners needed
- Dough is too old
- Under proofed
- Proof box is too wet
- Oven temperature too high
- Dough is improperly fermented (too young or old)
- Dough temperature too high
- Under mixed dough
- Over mixing
- Proof box is too wet
- Excessive proof
- Weakness at oven, dough conditioner needed
- Over fermented sponges
- Low sugar or malt level
- Dough is too old or too warm
- Proof box is too dry
- Oven temperature too low
- Excessive sugar
- Dough is too young or too cold
- Proof box is too wet
- Dough is too small going into oven
- Oven temperature too high
- Old sponges
- Young dough/old dough
- Excessive dough punishment
- Low level of shortening and/or emulsifiers
- Low level of conditioners
- Humidity in proof box is too high
- Dough is underdeveloped
- Deficiency of sugar or malt
- Proof box is too dry
- Oven temperature too low
- Baking time too long
- Weakness at oven, dough conditioner needed
- Dough is too stiff
- Dough is too young
- Pan proof too short
- Humidity set too low in proofer
- Crusting of dough in proof box
- Flour in need of malt
- Dough is short on mixing
- Dough is improperly fermented
- Overmixed dough
- Proof box is too wet
- Excessive proofing
- Weakness at oven, dough conditioner needed
- Dough temperature too high
- Fermentation time too long
- Too much water in dough
- Over-proofed dough
- Whitening agent needed
- Oven heat set too low
- Lack of oxidation
- Under mixed dough
- Dough not sheeted out at moulder
- Unsifted flour
- Dough conditioner needed
- Excessive flour dusting at molder
- Excessive oil at divider
- Excessive crusting of sponges or dough
- Inclusions of small pieces of dough picked up in machine
- Over fermented sponge
- Dough is too old
- Dough is too slack
- Excessive or improper mixing
- Dough not sheeted out at moulder
- Over proofing
- Oven temperature too low
- Need dough conditioner
- Pan is too large
- Shortening/emulsifier needed
- Over fermented sponge
- Dough temperatures too high
- Dough too big / process time too long
- Addition of Monoglycerides (e.g., GMS – Starplex)
- Dough is too old
- Need dough conditioner
- Shortening and/or emulsifier levels too low
- Proof box temperature too high
- Oven temperature too low
- Excessive absorption
- Improperly balanced formula
- Insufficient salt
- Dough is too old
- Sugar level too low
- Dough temperature too high
- Over proofed
- Under baked
- Improper absorption
- Dough conditioner needed
- Check level of emulsifier used
- Improper mixing
- Dough is too old or too young
- Over or under proofing
- Oven temperature too low
- Consider using an enzyme softener
- Check equipment, head rollers, scraper adjustments, curling chains, molding belts, plus all adjustments
- Too strong a flour, may need to add enzyme or malt
- Too much oxidation
- Low salt level
- Improper absorption
- Improper mixing times
- Excessive oil or dusting of flour
- Proof box is wet
- Check conditioner level
- Check level of emulsifier
- Avoid baking in a flash oven. It can cause crust to form too quickly and inhibits uniform expansion in the oven, resulting in a hollow formation directly beneath the top crust of the loaf.
- Proper heat line in oven using Bell Curve (e.g. 380, 385, 395, 405, 410, 410, 390, 380)