Tag: Articles

Lending Bakers a Helping Hand

Times are tough for everyone. And now more than ever, professionals whose lives have been impacted by the coronavirus could use a hand up to make those aspects of their jobs they can control as easy as possible.

Setting the record straight on emulsifiers

Emulsifiers are among the most important items in a baker’s toolbox. They’re also among the most misunderstood. Some critics point to the lengthy ingredient labels on baked goods that contain emulsifiers. Others claim that baked goods don’t even need emulsifiers.

Eight trends driving change in 2020

Today’s consumers want it all. Flavor, quality and variety are givens. But to be successful, bakers must also often deliver things like convenience, healthfulness, a clean label and a commitment to social responsibility — just to name a few.

Meeting the needs of millennials and Gen Zers

According to recent United Nations data, nearly two out of every three people worldwide fall into one of two demographic groups – millennials or Gen Z. This grouping represents one of the largest consumer bases ever to hit the baked goods industry, where mouths are already watering at the prospect of so many new buyers.