The Baker's Fix

What can we help you with?
Choose the baked item you'd like to perfect.
What’s the issue?
(Choose one or more issues to find your fix.)
- Undermixed dough; increase mixing time
- Overmixed dough; decrease mixing time
- Press temperature is too hot
- The top plate should be at least 10-20° hotter than the bottom platen.
- Dwell time is too long
- Ideal time is between .5 and 1.5 seconds
- Press pressure too high
- Ideal pressure is between 600 and 1200 psi
- Overdeveloped dough
- Underdeveloped dough
- Press temperature is too hot
- Oven temperature too high
- Dough is too cool before
- Overmixed dough
- Verify temperature with infrared thermometer
- Too much leavening
- Check oven setup (gas pressure and surface temperature)
- Undermixed dough
- Underhydrated dough
- Dough dried after mixing
- Dwell time is too long
- Press temperature is too hot
- Press pressure too high
- Temperature difference between top and bottom plate is >20° F
- Dough is too warm
- Overmixed dough
- Formulation
- Leavening
- Too much reducing agent
- Fat percentage is too high / type of fat
- Bottom plate is hotter than the top plate
- One of the heating elements in the plate is not working
- Overmixed dough
- Absorption is too high
- Formulation