“It’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.” Like most sayings that have stood the test of time, this old chestnut has a lot of truth to it. When shoppers of yore were finally able to buy pre-sliced bread at their local bakery or supermarket, it was indeed a cause for celebration and wonder.
Whole Grains
Whole grains get whole lotta love
Long before clean label, gluten-free and low-carb, nutritionists were touting the virtues of whole grains. And based on years of studies and surveys, whole grains — a source of carbohydrates, multiple nutrients and dietary fiber — have proven themselves to be anything but a passing fad.
Bread moves to center of the plate
Premium bread is going prime time.
The evidence isn’t hard to find. In 2017 Washington State University opened its highly anticipated Bread Lab, a 12,000-square-foot facility committed to the research and development of flavorful and nutritious crop varieties, the restoration of regional grain economies and innovation in partnership with the community and industry. The lab includes wheat milling and bread baking labs and a professional kitchen.